How do I clear "test" and/or $0, Cash/Check donations from the dashboard?

Easily delete "test mode" donations, as well as cash/check donations from the dashboard.

Clearing "Test" donations: 

If you've made donations while in "test mode", you can easily clear them from the dashboard.

1. Head to Account Settings > Stripe Settings.

2.From there, you will find and click the red button labeled "CLEAR TEST DONATIONS".  This will permanently delete all test donations. 

This action cannot be undone.


Clearing Cash/Check donations:

Follow these steps to remove a cash/check donation:

1. Find the donation in question, click "edit", and change the amount to $0, and click "save". This will essentially be flagged as a test donation.

2. Next, head to Account Settings > Stripe Settings.

3.From there, you will find and click the red button labeled "CLEAR TEST DONATIONS".  This will permanently delete all cash/check donations edited to be $0 

This action cannot be undone.


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