Connecting to a Different Stripe Account

If you have previously accepted live donations, have active recurring donations, or have embedded donation forms on your own site, we do not recommend connecting a different Stripe Account. 


If you must connect a different Stripe account, and you have active recurring donations and/or embedded donation forms, you must do the following to ensure a smooth transition:


1. Complete the process of importing your recurring donor customer records from your old Stripe account to your new Stripe account, and completing Donately's import process. If you do not, all recurring donations will fail as they will no longer be connected to a Stripe account for which Donately has permission to run live charges. 

For instructions on how to import recurring donations to Donately, please see this article.


2. Re-embed any donation form you've previously embedded, as Donately will no longer have permission to process donations through the Stripe account connected to previously embedded donation forms.