Donately GA4 Integration

How Donately automatically integrates with GA4, and how you can turn it on for your account.

It's simple to add Google Analytics (GA4) to your Campaign pages and Donation forms.  Just navigate to the 'Integrations/Native Integrations' page of the Donately Dashboard.  Find the Google Analytics section, click 'configure' and paste your GA4 ID (which should look something like G-xxxxxxxxx)
Your Donately Campaign pages (like will automatically track into your Google Analytics Account.
Also, and Donately Donation forms that you save after adding your GA4 ID, will track into your Google Analytics Account.
Things To Watch Out For
  • You must resave your Donately Donation forms to set your GA4 ID after you change the ID.
  • If you are using the 'simple method' to embed the Donation form into your website, after you resave it there is nothing else you need to do.
  • If you are using the 'advanced method' to embed the Donation form into your website, you will need to re-embed the form code into your website.
  • The 'iframe method' will not work with GA4.
The events that Donately is using are the standard GA4 events:
  • view_item
  • add_to_cart
  • begin_checkout
  • purchase
We use these because they will work in all GA4 accounts - and GA4 automatically creates a 'purchase journey' funnel with these events. The 'purchase' event is the GA4 transaction event that will record the Donation amount.


If you are using GA4 for other events and tracking in your website, it may conflict with the Donately event & transaction tracking.  We recommend that you create a unique GA4 'data stream ID' for your Donately tracking so that your other analytics don't interfere.